Homespun is a curated series of short documentary films profiling unique individuals around the metro Atlanta area. Partnered by the Atlanta Film Festival, the series features local filmmakers who highlight the characters and neighborhoods that give Atlanta its distinctive culture. Through these individual character studies, Atlanta will be revealed as the Homespun phenomenon it has become.
This one is all about music in Atlanta! Featuring three subjects involved in various aspects of the music industry, the screening will provide a comprehensive look of the local scene. In addition to the films and Q&As with the filmmakers, the director of the highly anticipated documentary feature, "Eat White Dirt," will make an appearance to discuss his upcoming film and trailer.
Films in this installment:
Apples to Peaches
directed by Stephen Oakey
Kevin Dunbar grew up in New York and went to one of the most dangerous schools in the country. At an early age, Kevin was forced to give up his passion for music because, "Carrying a trombone around was the last thing someone would do unless it was going to be used as a weapon." Through a chance opportunity, Kevin left New York and headed down south to Georgia where he fell back in love with music and re-wrote his story. After rekindling his childhood passion for music, Kevin recorded his first album, which included his hit single "Apples to Peaches" a reflection of his transition between New York and Georgia. In 2014, Kevin won best new rock artist of the year at the Georgia Music Awards and is still pursuing his musical career.
Eat White Dirt
directed by Adam Forrester
A look at the bizarre, the beautiful, and the abiding relationship people have with a particular mineral found in the American South.
directed by Greg Harding
SpeakerKiller follows the life of Atlanta producer/musician Kamal "SpeakerKiller" Gillespie, as he provides insight on his career as a musician, his management team, and his plans for future music production in Atlanta, and worldwide.
directed by Alexandra Roberts
Tapes captures the quirky, talented and cynical character of Georgia producer Anthony Wendelboe, aka TAPES. This 25 year old vinyl addict will hold his opinion and tongue for no one when it comes to good music and good beats.