Mix-n-Match Interview: Experimental Shorts Filmmakers
Writer and Director Christine Hooper on... "On Loop"
I love anything which makes me laugh. I realized whilst studying my masters in animation that making things which make me laugh was great fun and in turn others can enjoy that humour too. This is a real joy. Making this short short 'Faces' served as a little epiphany moment for me and played a big part in the tone I took in writing 'On Loop'.
Complete this sentence: "If you liked _________, you'll like my film." Explain why.
If you like Michel Gondry's work, hopefully you will like my film! His work is a big influence on me; from how he tells narratives through nonconventional formats, to his use of colour and his playful tone.
Is your film for dog people or cat people? Why?
Definitely dog people. If you are fond of a German schnauzer you will appreciate my film.
What’s the most challenging part of making a film for you?
The most challenging part is combing the picture and the sound so they work together to tell the narrative, not one just illustrating the other. This was one of the biggest challenges when making 'On Loop' - I wanted the visual and the voice over to be inseparable.
Do you enjoy that challenge, or is its something to be avoided?
I love the challenge, it is like working out a complex puzzle - very satisfying when it comes together and fits!
Describe the moment when you knew you making movies was what you wanted to do.
When I was studying my Graphic Arts and Design BA I was frustrated in creating just one image - I wasn't ever satisfied that it looked 'right'. Then I discovered I could make the image move, for me this solved the problem!
What are your three favorite ways to eat potatoes, and what’s your favorite dinosaur?
I find chips very boring and I am not sure I understand the British obsession with consuming them. For me there is only one way to eat potatoes - served in a heap of mash with some good sausages and a mass of gravy. I used to be rather fascinated by dinosaurs when I was little so this is a tricky one. Lots of favourites but I would say brontosaurus. If I was a dinosaur I would want that long neck - you could be rather lazy and just move your head to get to things.
Director and Writer Abinadi Meza on... "Black Box Recorder"
Complete this sentence: "If you liked _________, you'll like my film." Explain why.
If you liked Chris Marker's Sans Soleil you'll like my film. Why? Because it's a hybrid of reality and fiction; it's a distanced yet intimate reflection of humanity.
Is your film for dog people or cat people? Why?
This film is for dog AND cat people, and especially bird people. In fact, the narrator, Ouroboros A2M37 wants images of your dogs, your cats, your birds, your...
What’s the most challenging part of making a film for you?
The most challenging part of making a film is getting it all right - the image, the text, the sound - the timing. And framing it all in a new way -capturing a real sense of newness.
Describe the moment when you knew you making movies was what you wanted to do.
I knew I wanted to work in film when I realized I wanted 'sculpt in time' as Tarkovsky put it. Film allows me to combine my passion for compelling images, writing and sound design. It's a total space to create in.
Director and Writer Joshua Winters on... "Saturar"
Experimental Shorts plays Friday, April 4 at 7:00 PM at 7 Stages Theatre.