Coming Soon: Homespun Series Screening
Kevin Dunbar in "Apples to Peaches"
The next installment in the Homespun Series is fast approaching! Our partners since they began in November 2013, Homespun exists to showcase and inspire Atlanta filmmakers to focus on the real, colorful characters in their city.
For 2015’s Winter Screening, Creator Brantly Watts and Executive Producer Jon Watts, Atlanta Film Festival Filmmakers in Residence, have chosen three documentary shorts that comply with a universally resonant theme: music. From a recording artist and New York transplant in “Apples to Peaches,” to the producer and artist behind “SpeakerKiller,” to producer and self-professed vinyl addict “TAPES,” the subjects tell stories as varied as they are. As an added bonus, filmmaker Adam Forrester will preview his documentary feature “Eat White Dirt,” an examination of a rare mineral and its effects on the American South.
Don’t hesitate to secure your tickets to Atlanta’s most pointed and courageous short film showcase, hosted by the Plaza Theatre on Friday, February 13th.