"Roar" the Pride of Zoo Atlanta This Saturday

Feeling dangerous? Walk on the wild side with Contraband Cinema and Zoo Atlanta this weekend with Saturday night's screening of "Roar"! This 1981 drama left 70 cast and crew injured in production by lions, cheetahs, elephants, and more. Don't miss your only chance to see this limited reissue in Atlanta just feet from your furry neighbors. 

Watch the trailer for the film that took ten years, $17 million, and numerous stitches to make:

Saturday, September 26th, arrive at 7PM before "Roar" begins at 8PM. You'll need time to park and to experience Zoo Atlanta's live animal encounter! Tickets are $15; ATLFF Members enjoy 20% off. In addition to the screening and—need we repeat—live animal encounters, there will be a bar and refreshments! Not a member yet? We can fix that.


Monsterama Starts Tomorrow!


It All Starts and Ends With the Story