Photos from Local ATLFF '14 Filmmakers night at Eat, Drink, & B-Indie Presented by Stella Artois

Last Tuesday, March 18th, dozens of local film fans came out to Manuel's Tavern to interact with several local filmmakers who have films playing in the 2014 Atlanta Film Festival for the March edition of Eat, Drink, & B-Indie Presented by Stella Artois.

"Limo Ride" co-director Marcus Rosentrater moderated the event, with Programmer of Education Sue-Ellen Chitunya kicking things off. The first 50 people in attendance received a free Stella, making the evening already worth it!

Check out some pictures below and make sure you join us every third-Tuesday of the month at Manuel's Tavern.


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Lisa Haas from "The Foxy Merkins" can't wait to get to Atlanta!