Eat, Drink, & B-Indie for August 2014

Eat, Drink, & B-Indie for August 2014

In anticipation of August's big event, Mountainfilm on Tour ATL, our monthly EDBI will include filmmakers of different experience levels who have used new filmmaking tools like Octocopters, Various GoPro Rigs and High-Speed Shooting, much like you see in many films featured in Mountainfilm, to create cutting edge cinematography.

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June 18 - Eat, Drink & B-Indie: Open Mic Session Volume I

Building off our April What's Next? conversation, we're turning the June Eat, Drink & B-Indie over to you. We're inviting individuals to present their projects to spark collaboration. Presenters will be given 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes to answer questions from the audience. This is your opportunity to share, get feedback from you peers, and network.

To Submit Your Project for Consideration:

Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7:30pm – 9:30pm at Manuel’s Tavern conversations with Atlanta and Georgia filmmakers, companies and organizations for discussions and networking. EDBI is a place to be part of the conversation.